
More details to follow after talk submission closes

Part 1: Flares

  • 50 min: talks
  • 10 min: interactive
  • 25 min curated panel discussion

30 min Coffee Break

Part 2: Starspots and other surface features

  • 50 min: talks
  • 10 min: interactive
  • 25 min curated panel discussion

Splinter Format

One focus of our session is to change the current paradigm of question and answer sessions after conference talks. Our Previous Work tracking question and answer sessions has found that they are often biased towards more questions, comments, and interaction from the more senior and male members of our community. We plan to use new formats of interaction, including online question submission and panel discussions, to encourage input from more junior members of the field.

We will solicit anonymous questions from the audience via an online tool. This will hopefully mitigate the reticence some less experienced astronomers feel around asking fundamental or clarification questions. The audience can then vote on questions they would like to see answered, which provides another avenue for participation. For audience members who do not wish to use the online tool, we will provide notecards and upload the questions ourselves.

We also plan to include panel discussions around the sub-themes in our splinter, which will partially replace the usual Q&A session. A longer panel time after 4 talks will allow more time to discuss complex ideas, particularly issues that cut across multiple talks.